Cobago GmbH is an independent provider of turnkey enterprise software and comprehensive expertise in sustainability and digitalization.
Sustainability management in large and medium-sized companies, as well as simple, quickly implementable, and practical solutions for digitally supported work - these are the focus topics of our company today.
Continuous innovation and successful collaboration with strong partners - these are our strengths.
cobago was founded in 2016 by Dr. Dieter Kramps along with private investors as the successor to the consulting and custom software forge, cobago systems.
Today, cobago GmbH focuses on custom standard software for industry and commerce. Initially, cobago addressed major clients from the “Testing Inspection Certification” sector and won TÜV Rheinland as one of its first customers. Here, the “Mobile Inspection and Reporting Application” was developed, one of the first low-code solutions in the TIC industry. Since then, cobago has been designing, developing, and marketing industry-specific application platforms for audits, services, inspections, and order management based on in-house developed low-code technology.
With a focus on vertical applications and the integration of AI technology, cobago has evolved since 2022 from a platform provider to an expert for selected turnkey digital solutions. In particular, sustainability management and sustainable procurement are now at the heart of our thinking and actions.

Portfolio and Customers
cobago’s sustainability products assist in managing the footprints and emissions of products and services, sustainable procurement, TCO/CO2 analysis and forecasting, as well as in creating compliance or AI-optimized sustainability reports.
cobago’s digital solutions help offset sustainability efforts through digital streamlining and effortlessly create topic and company-specific apps from intelligent forms and documents.
cobago’s clients today include companies from the energy, mobility, health, and ITC industries.
Expert Network
The “Sustainability” expert network is a cooperative association of independent and experienced specialists in Sustainability Management & Procurement, in selected industries, in AI, in Digital Solutions and Finance, in Germany and Austria.
cobago is a cooperation partner of Telekom Deutschland, focusing on Lowcode/Nocode and cloud solutions, a participant in the Telekom Techboost program, and a contributing company in X-Creation for Sustainability together with major clients in the ESG Data Space.
cobago GmbH
ecos Office Center
D 44141 Dortmund
sales (at) cobago.de